Combining the two classes We make machines not art by Darsha Hewitt and Tangible Programming - An Introduction by Johannes Deich I built a simple robot that is constantly fleeing the light.
Continue reading "The Icarus Bot"
My first 3D print
Having access to a 3D printer I created my first model for printing to get myself familiar with the working pipeline. I modelled a 3D version of british electronic musician and composer Aphex Twin's logo as a gift for a friend.
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Climascope is an interactive weather app for Android phones.
You can download it for free via Play Store (sadly, the app is not availible at the moment) or visit the Climascope website.
Bauhaus Vorkurs
Back to basics – Bauhaus Vorkurs was a course that taught absolutely fundamental approaches of layout and design.
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Completing an introductional course on programming with Processing I wrote various little programms.
Continue reading "Processing"
Design for action
Design for Action was a course I attended in my third semester. It was all about the process of designing interfaces, testing and improving them
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Photography course
Don't get me wrong, I would never describe myself as a photographer. But knowing how to use a camera doesn't hurt, so I took a basic photography course.
Continue reading "Photography course"
Beyond the book – Libridge
What will the library of the future look like? I tried to create a concept, that combines reading with the aspects of the social web, especially for students and teachers.
Multimedia programming with Flash
Here are a few flash applications I programmed in the second semester.
Continue reading "Multimedia programming with Flash"
Introduction to media culture
In the second semester we had to attend a theoretical course, for which I chose Introduction to media culture.
Continue reading "Introduction to media culture"
This is another work I've done in my first semester. It was part of the introduction to my program of study, where we had to choose a professorship and work on a small project in the associated environment.
Continue reading "Hometab"